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Jasmine flowers

Jasmine flowers

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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Net Wt 1 oz.

As an herbal remedy, Jasmine has been used as for women and the female reproductive system. The flowers will help to calm the nerves, soothe emotional woes, relieve heavy painful periods, PMS, and tension headaches. The tea of Jasmine flowers is also known to be an aphrodisiac, and may be useful to stimulate low sexual drive.

Jasmine may support a range of respiratory issues including infections, coughs, difficulty breathing and also for infections in the genito-urinary system. Topically it makes a beautiful bath for dry and irritated skin, and as a cool compress it can ease eye inflammation.

Please do your research before starting use of any herbs for any precautions.

May contain allergens. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.

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