It's the season of the bull...Taurus overview

Well, here we are. Taurus season. We are in an Earth sign, which as we have learned means grounded. Reliable. Trusty. Logical. But let's be real....there is a lot of confusion when it comes to Taurus. People see bull and IMMEDIATELY see aggression, mean, cocky....which in some cases can be true. However, a bull is nothing more than a cow. What do cows like? Food. Comfort. Days just chilling  doing what they do. Put them by a nice pond, plenty of grass and shade and they are content. Not actual people, the cows. Let me be clear there. Don't go forcing your Taurus friends to go sit by a pond literally. However, this same mentality can be expected from a Taurus. They are not your grand gesture people. They are not your think outside the box, flashy kind of people. They are your do enough to be comfortable and we are good with that, kind of people. The I just made you homemade mac n cheese to show you I love you, so let's go binge our favorite show, kind of people.

I have several relatives that are Taurus, and when I tell you my heavy fire energy just does NOT mesh well with their Taurean just doesn't. The other earth signs and I are like peas and carrots or biscuits and gravy. Me and a Taurus? Well, we are more like broccoli and cheese. We can work together, but its an acquired taste. You either love it or you don't. In retrospect now, I feel bad for my mom having had to raise me with multiple Taurus in the house. Sheesh. I can recall at least one verbal flare up between me and every Taurus in my life now that I think about it. However, that may not be another fire sign's experience with them. It just depends on the rest of your chart and other influences.

Taurus goes from April 19-May 20. They are a fixed, earth sign. Taurus rules the 2nd house (house of value), and is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, femininity, desire and aesthetic. It's key phrase is "I have" and its keyword is possessive. The taurean look is typically sturdy, with thick, muscular legs and thighs. The face can be round with a clear, often beautiful complexion. Most noteable Taurus typically has a short, sturdy neck. Shoulders are high and square, and the eyes offer a steady gaze.

Taurus are careful and often have conservative outlooks. They are dependable, loyal, calm and patient. They tend to be thorough, attentive, artistic and enjoy working with their hands. Because Taurus loves food, they are often good cooks as well. On the flip side, some negative traits include, a tendency to be self indulgent, stubborn, obstinate, and can easily get stuck in ruts. They can be materialistic, slow moving, sometimes considered boring and even insensitive. 

They get the job done. They are stubborn to the core and that stubbornness helps them get the job done. Granted, it won't be on your time table. It will be on theirs. Slow and steady wins the raise. Which being represented by the bull one would assume they would charge head first without thinking. However, that is only when seriously provoked. Aries are far more likely to charge head first in such a manner. Taurus will absolutely not be rushed. They are the ones with the utmost patience. They are steady. This energy can calm even the most uptight and high strung people. It is not entirely uncommon to see intense Taurean energy butt heads with extreme fire energy. That hard fast go go getter meeting up with the slow, steady and calming earth sign can sometimes drive that fire energy up the wall. However, we know fire energy is fast to burn and fast to fizzle, so often times it ends up soothing and calming that extreme energy quite well.

Taurus strengths, in addition to that determination, is common sense and thoroughness. They are also thrifty. Remember, earth signs see financial security and emotional security as one and the same...however, don't get that twisted. They need to feel financially secure, but that doesn't mean that they are. Taurus likes their "stuff". They are thrifty because they like to buy the things. They want to be surrounded by things that make them comfortable. They are your deal seekers, and they are not afraid to bargain for a better deal and walk away if the numbers are not right. Sometimes that budget can get lost in the "it was such a good deal!" mindset. Their homes are often full of things that bring them comfort or make them happy. They are going to be full of whatever makes them happy. So if they like to fish, you can bet they are going to have a boat (maybe more than one), so many rods, boxes and boxes of bait, possibly even there own secret recipes for live bait. Fishing holes in every body of water nearby. How do I know this? I was raised by said Taurean. This same man was an avid hunter. When I tell you he had an entire cabinet of hunting guns, so much ammo, and an entire wardrobe of camo, from hats and heavy coats all the way down to his wallet. To this day, I have one of his favorite deer portraits hanging in my hallway. It doesn't fit my home vibe, but I will never be rid of it. He influenced many aspects of my life, despite us having a very rocky relationship for most of it. He was very much a Taurus.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the love planet. They value friendships and relationships, romance and commitment are important to them. However, strong emotions can also trigger jealousy, possessiveness, and other emotions when feeling insecure. They definitely need clear boundaries in relationships to help foster independence in their unions. Otherwise, things can get a little out of hand.

So in a nutshell, the major strengths of Taurus - their determination, common sense and thoroughness.  Their major challenges - stubbornness, possessiveness, and inflexibility.

Properties often associated with Taurus: (April 19-May 20)

Color: Green

Flower: Violet

Gemstones: Emerald; Topaz

Metal: Copper

Tarot Card: Hierophant (High Priest/Priestess)

Animal: Bull

Opposite Sign: Scorpio

Harmonizes easily with: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces

Where do you have Taurus in your chart? Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, pleasure, and aesthetic. So those areas are going to be where you seek pleasure and comfort the most. If you find your Mercury in Taurus, you probably find comfort in communication. You love getting mail, writing letters, words of affirmation. Make sense? 

Now remember, other aspects of your chart will affect your Taurus placements, this is just a general overview to get to learn the signs. Let me know if you have any questions! Go dig deeper on Taurus and hopefully it helps you make sense of the Taurus placements in your chart or in your life.

Love, Light & Selenite, 


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