All about Aries - General Overlook
So let's starting learning the basics of the individual signs. Now as we go through these they are going to apply as Aries overall and mainly as your sun sign. We can get into moon, rising and the others later.
The first sign of the zodiac is Aries, which lasts from March 21-April 19. This coincides with the beginning of Spring. There is sometimes discussion that the beginning of the year is actually with Spring in March instead of January 1. To be honest that makes sense to me, but I don't get to make those calls so....
Anyway back to Aries. Aries is represented by the Ram. Which is pretty appropriate, because Aries are a lot of things and the top of the list is stubborn and hard headed. They are the hot heads of the zodiac (in my humble opinion). They tend to act first, think later. They are a fire sign, so as we have learned, hot tempered, fast moving, always on the go. They are ruled by the planet Mars (Mars is the planet of aggression, passion, drive, etc). Because it is the first sign of the zodiac it is ruled by the 1st house (The 1st house is house of self).
Using the information we have learned to this point - Aries is a fire cardinal sign. Their keyword is "Assert" and key phrase is "I am". It is pretty obvious why Aries is the beginning. They are the go getter's, the leaders. They enjoy change and they can be bossy. Aries can also be impulsive, impatient, rush into things and fail to complete what they start. However, They are also enthusiastic, generous, courageous, obviously independent and often intelligent. They will often forgive easily, but they won't forget. They are also extremely loyal, almost to a fault. With an Aries on your side, you will absolutely have someone who will love you hard and protect you above all else. Aries absolutely will not tolerate laziness. They can't be idle. Aries LOVE to be physically active. So wallflowers and quiet folks often get super overwhelmed by an Aries. Don't let that Aries energy overwhelm and burn you out.
Aries is ruled by Mars, so anyone whose birth chart has a strong Aries influence, will be looking for a challenge to overcome. Side note while we are talking Mars and Aries - when looking at a natal chart - anytime I see Mars in Aries, I prepare myself. I tell people often, Aries is the FAAFO and Mars is a Wish a MFer Would. Put them together and the energy is HIGH and can sometimes be AGRESSIVE.
Major strengths of an Aries are leadership, confidence and courage. Their major challenges are being impulsive, impatient and limited follow through.
Properties often associated with Aries:
Colors: Red
Plant: Geranium
Gemstones: Ruby, Diamond
Metal: Iron
Tarot Card: The Magician
Animal: Ram
Opposite Sign: Libra
Harmonizes most easily with: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
Where do you have Aries in your chart? Those are the areas where you are willing to take risks. Do you know an Aries? Is any of this making sense now? Remember, this is talking general Aries as a sun sign, and there is a lot that can affect it. Just because it is your sun sign doesn't mean it is not influenced by other placements. The more you learn about Aries and the other signs in general the easier it is to see the big picture.
So remember, Aries is the hot headed, loyal leader of the zodiac. Keep reading and learning what you can. I will be creating a printable for the store to help keep track of what we are learning if you are creating your Astrology notebook. So keep an eye out! During Aries season, I want to create and educate as much as I can. Feel free to ask questions and dig deeper! Astrology is a language and there is so much to learn!
Love, Light and Selenite -